Raylene Wilson
Technical Program Manager - Bitcoin Association
This Bitcoin SV MOOC was commissioned by and in cooperation with Bitcoin Association, bitcoinassociation.net.
What is Bitcoin?
What is Bitcoin’s original protocol?
Why does it matter?
This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a basic introduction to Bitcoin (its system, network, protocol, blockchain and digital currency) for decision makers of enterprises, developers and students. The course covers the importance of Bitcoin’s original protocol provided by Satoshi Nakamoto, and how that original design is now used by Bitcoin SV. After this introductory course, you can opt to follow additional MOOCs to do a deep dive in the history, economics, development, tooling and regulatory compliance associated with Bitcoin.
After finishing this MOOC you are able to form your own opinion about all basics relevant for choosing the right blockchain infrastructure for your enterprise or development projects, while also complying with applicable local, regional, and international laws.
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No prior knowledge needed to participate in this introductory course.
Technical Program Manager - Bitcoin Association
Training & Development Manager - Bitcoin Association
Curriculum Contributor - Bitcoin Association
Curriculum Specialist - Bitcoin Association
Leading Professor Saxion Blockchain Institute
Teacher & Researcher Saxion Blockchain Institute
Teacher & Researcher Saxion Blockchain Institute
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Bitcoin Association is a non-profit association (Verein) in Switzerland, and the global industry organization which advances Bitcoin (BSV). It brings together essential components of the Bitcoin SV ecosystem – enterprises, start-up ventures, developers, merchants, exchanges, service providers, blockchain transaction processors (miners), and others – working alongside them, as well as in a representative capacity, to drive further use of the Bitcoin SV blockchain and uptake of the BSV digital currency. The Association works to build a regulation-friendly ecosystem that fosters lawful conduct while facilitating innovation using all aspects of bitcoin technology. More than a digital currency and blockchain, Bitcoin is also a network protocol; just like internet protocol, it is the foundational rule set for an entire data network. the Association supports use of the original Bitcoin protocol to operate the world's single blockchain on Bitcoin SV.
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